Concert Series Program

Värmland, Sweden

Nordic Piano Music Project - Spring 2023

new Concert Series from Ingesund Piano Center
In Värmland, Sweden

Spring 2023 theme:
Nordic Music Piano Project

The Nordic Piano Music project is a call to care for and perform the rich tradition of nordic classical piano music

It aims to develop the culture of nordic piano music in meetings, concerts, workshops and seminars.

Concert program - spring 2023

Next concert:

1 June 2023

11.30-12.15 (Theme: Iceland)
Rackstadmuseet, Arvika

Tickets 150 kr (including lunch)
Members of Rackstad museum 80 kr (including lunch)

Astri Aareskjold playing:

Lassen/Liszt - Löse, Himmel, Meine Seele

Hafliði Hallgrimsson - Old Sacred Window (Gömul Helgimund) och Sweet Memory (Ljúf Minning) ur 10 stycken för piano

Nikolai Roslavets - Preludes no. 4 samt 5, ur 5 preludier för piano

Cesar Franck: Prelude, Choral, Fuga

Tickets to be sold 1 hour before concert. Payment by Swish or cash.

Produced in co-operation with Rackstad Museum, Hillringsbergs Herrgård and Glafsfjorden Music Festival.

Nordic Piano Music Project

Recordings 2022:

P. Isolfsson Album Leaves No. 9 'Mazurka'

Astri Aareskjold

Astri Aareskjold

E. Grieg: 19 Norwegian Folk Tunes No. 1 'Kulok' & No. 8 'Lok'

Premiering at 17 September evening

Published videos autumn 2022:

Tatu Eskelinen, Sibelius: ”Spruce”

Adi Neuhaus, Grieg: ”Eros”

John Nalan, Tarrodi: ”January”

Kristian Riisager, Nørgård: Miniature concerto

Tatu Eskelinen, Sibelius: Scène romantique

Adi Neuhaus, Grieg: Valse Impromptu

Umberto Ruboni, Grieg: Poetic Tone Picture

Sebastian Iivonen, Alfvén: Skärgårdsbilder

Nikita Khnykin, Langgaard: Remembrances

John Nalan, Mühlrad: Viola’s theme

Adi Neuhaus, Grieg: ”In my native country”

Enriching nordic cultural heritage

by connecting national cultural bodies and their missions to manage the national cultural heritage we help develop a common nordic culture

A Pan-Nordic cooperation

Nordic Piano Music Project is an unique series of meetings, concerts, workshops and seminars with the aim to develop the culture and spread the word about nordic classical and contemporary piano music. It's a cooperation between several cultural bodies and highly skilled experts and artists in Nordic countries. Centered around the Ingesund Piano Center, a group of 10 excellent concert artists, constituting one of Northern Europes most advanced and multifaceted group of classical piano music.

The aim for Nordic Piano Project is to increase knowledge,
showcase music and gain debate over nordic piano music.